My elegant embossed wedding card


wedding-card-wmI will be flying to New York this Friday to attend my cousins wedding.  I keep calling it a NY socialite wedding because it is at a fancy resort in upstate NY and I heard that they will each have 12 attendants in the ceremony. 

It is a black tie affair and all that, so I figured I had to have an equally elegant card to give them.  What started with a simple experiment to emboss the wedding dress turned into a card that is just about entirely embossed and I just LOVE IT!!!  I kind of don’t want to give it away. 🙂 But I think it is perfect for them so it will be headed with me to NY.  What do you think?

And don’t forget, when I get back from the wedding I will be drawing for my blog candy!  Win a kit to make your own personalized cards!  Plus, if you hop over to my friend Kally’s blog, you still have time to enter her blog candy too!  She’s sending out 5 completed cards made by her and me, just for you!  Check it out!

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